When choosing between an arborist and a log splitter, you need to consider several things. Here are some priorities: cost, cycle time, safety, and safety features. You’ll find the right machine for your situation by reading this article. Ultimately, you’ll end up with the right tree service tool for your needs. And remember to keep your priorities in mind – don’t be tempted to skimp on any of these factors!
Priorities for Arborists versus Log Splitters
When choosing between a firewood processor and a log splitter, you should consider the tonnage and hardness of the wood. For example, a four-ton splitter is adequate for a tree trunk 24 inches thick, while a 20-ton splitter is necessary for the same project. Greenwood is still containing moisture from the living tree, so it will appear slightly green or yellow. On the other hand, seasoned wood will be closer to brown than greenwood. However, freshly fallen wood is moist and difficult to split. Therefore, a large-scale firewood processor is a better option for home use.
Cost of a Log Splitter
When choosing the type of log splitter you need, it is important to consider the price. According to ProClimb arborists, the price range can vary from seven hundred dollars to over two thousand dollars. Depending on the model and its power ratings, it can cost as little as $400 or as much as three thousand dollars. However, the initial investment is not cheap, and the ongoing maintenance and repairs can add up to a significant amount. The more frequently you use the machine, the more you will likely need to spend on repairs and upkeep.
A twenty-ton horizontal/vertical log splitter has a 22-ton splitting force. This number may vary depending on the type of logs you’re splitting, as well as mechanical and environmental conditions. A standard model features a 6.5-horsepower Kohler SH265 engine rated for a maximum log length of 25 inches, a four-inch diameter x twenty-four-inch stroke cylinder, and an eight-inch steel wedge. For added safety and convenience, this model has a protective hood and a built-in gas line for easy maintenance.
The cost of a log splitter for arborist use can vary greatly. A high-quality unit will cost between $1200, while a used model may cost less than half of that. Some machines even come with a repair plan. The repair cost can be as high as 25% of the retail price. If you plan to use your log splitter frequently, a maintenance plan may be worthwhile.
Log splitters vary in price, so it’s important to do some research before making a final decision. Manual log splitters require hammering, which can be difficult when attempting to split larger logs. Gas log splitters can be easier to use and are more reliable than manual models, but are still not a good choice for arborists. You may even want to invest in an electric model if you plan to split a larger amount of wood.
Choosing a Log Splitter Based on Cycle Time
There are several things to consider when selecting a log splitter. Cycle time refers to how fast the tool can split logs. Most log splitters have cycle times of 10 to 20 seconds, though this may vary depending on the wood you plan to split and the knot count. Professional firewood producers will need a fast splitter, while an average user will be satisfied with a longer cycle time.
Tonnage is an important consideration when purchasing a log splitter. The higher the tonnage, the more powerful the splitter. Tonnage is usually listed in the product name, and the larger the number, the more powerful the machine. Although there are no industry guidelines regarding tonnage, it’s a good idea to look at log splitters’ tonnage to determine how much power they have.
Cycle time is a significant factor in determining the efficiency of a log splitter. When a log splitter is working at maximum capacity, it may take a few minutes to split a log. Having a long cycle time also makes splitting logs easier, but some people are more concerned about the noise. This is a common issue with gas log splitters. The noise is louder than the electrical version, so make sure you’re comfortable using this machine in an enclosed space.
The power of the machine is also important. When buying a log splitter, consider how much you use it. A manual model is slow, but it may not have enough power to split large logs. Manual models are easy to carry and can even be stored when not in use. When you are ready to split logs, make sure to read all safety instructions. The machine is a heavy machine and may cause injury or damage. Always read the manual to ensure its safety.
Lastly, consider the durability of a log splitter. Make sure you get one that has a solid frame and can withstand many years of use. If you need your log splitter to be durable and work efficiently, it’s important to choose a model with an all-steel construction. A log splitter should be able to handle logs of varying lengths and knots.
Safety of Using a Log Splitter
The most important thing to remember when using a log splitter is safety. When operating a log splitter, you should always be aware of others and the work site. Because logs tend to split differently, it’s important to readjust the split logs as needed. It’s also important to split logs with the grain since gnarly logs can have irregular shapes.
If possible, use a single-handed operation when operating a log splitter. It’s also a good idea to protect yourself by wearing hand gloves and never operate a log splitter in the dark. If you must use a log splitter outdoors, make sure you’re using the machine in the daylight or under artificial light. Never operate a log splitter while wearing loose clothing, and never operate a log splitter while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
An electric log splitter is a good choice for splitting wood during the winter. While it can be tempting to make adjustments while operating, it’s a good idea to turn off the machine before making a change. This way, you can make adjustments before restarting the machine. Then you can safely split the wood into pieces you can burn. A log splitter can save you time, money, and energy while helping you maintain your yard’s beauty.
A gas or electric log splitter can be operated in horizontal or vertical positions. The electric log splitter is used in a horizontal position. Heavy blocks placed behind the wheels of the splitter can prevent the machine from moving while it is recoiling. Gas log splitters are best used in vertical or horizontal positions. A manual beam can be used to lock the beam while splitting larger logs. A log splitter is great for a large backyard or farm.
A hydraulic log splitter may become stuck in a tree and may need to be moved into a reverse position. To move the splitter away from a stuck log, you must first turn the hydraulic splitter to Reverse or Forward. Once the hydraulic splitter has gained momentum, push the wedge through the log. Never attempt to remove a partially split log using your hands. This could be hazardous.